Prossime partenze dei bus
Lavertezzo - Ganne (Sentiero per l'Arte) - Brione
  • DifficoltàSentiero escursionistico (facile)
  • Altitudine al punto di partenza e di arrivo545m - 756m
  • Altitudine max.756m
  • Tempo2h 20min
This is probably the most beautiful section of the valley. This hike starts in the picturesque Lavertezzo with its famous stone bridge Ponte dei Salti. You then follow the river very closely, with the possibility to access it at practically every point. In this section the river is abundant with huge boulders which you can also use for picnic or a sun bath. At times the path gets steeper so there are many tiny waterfalls flowing between the rocks and making the scenery truly breathtaking. At the very end of the hike you will be also rewarded with great views of the upper section of the valley, starting with flat meadows and easy water and ending with high alpine peaks.

The first part of the hike (from Lavertezzo to Ganne) is also known as Sentiero per l'Arte with many art exhibits along the path.
Paesi, ristoranti e capanne lungo la via
Paese Lavertezzo   Paese Brione   
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